Friday, December 16, 2011

Pictures from the Past...

Friday morning... 5:30am... Sun Shining... A group of blokes I know are riding up the Eastern Escarpment as we speak... yes I was invited... yes I have uni work to do instead... yes, i WILL procrastinate!

What's a blog without photos?!

In true 'outdoorgaz' style... Here are a bunch of pictures showing me "outdoors".

Let's start in New Zealand:

Day trip hiking out to a glazier to do some ice climbing

Lauren joined in with a broken arm from 2 days earlier. Only person they've had with a broken arm climb the ice. It was a hard day for her as any small jolt would hurt like hell. And only 1 hand to hold her axe in.



I took this photo with my crappy point and shoot, I think NZ is one of those places where you can take photos like this and it has nothing to do with the camera. It's just beautiful each direction you look.

Next lets look at some climbing in SEQ...

Toowoomba Ranges

Toowoomba down the bottom...

Ngungun... This place is magic. This was my first REAL outdoor climbing experience. The abseil/climb itself is very easy, but it's 60m + to the bottom. Imagine Kangaroo point x3. I never forget throwing the 70m rope off from the top and watching it just scrape the ground.

By this stage, I had abseiled all the way to the bottom, hooked up the climbing gear, and starting heading UP UP UP. Surreal views.

One of my favourite photo's from the day.

 Bushwalking in SEQ and Northern NSW. Not my most favourite activity, but with good mates it's always a great day.

On the way up to Lizard Point. An all day, off track, uphill walk using a dodgy map and compass. I loved this day!

I won't add many riding pictures, but Canberra has to get a mention for awesome spots I have taken the bike...
Top of Mt Stromlo after being schooled by Dave on climbing a mountain.

 Lastly, no matter where you take yourself there's nothing like the feeling of heading into your own backyard. Daisy Hill has been my backyard for a while now, as is the Brisbane river. Here's 2 parting shots just for you Pete.
Daisy Hill at night
Taking the yaks down the "backyard" and out to the Brisbane river
 Hope you enjoy.

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