Friday, January 6, 2012

A date with my Garmin..

Ahh Friday!

Usually I would be eagerly planning out my weekend as I count down the hours till 2:30pm - BUT, because I'm still on holidays I actually forget what day it is as the weekdays moulds into one. This week marks the first "real" week of training (week1 infact!), and also the first week of the 2012. Let us rejoice in writing the wrong date for the next couple of months... plenty of 10/03/11 12 lol.

My week started on New Years Day, whereby Lauren and I hopped onto the road bikes to ride back into the Valley to pick up my car (yes, I left it there after wayyyyyy too many drinks). New Years Day was a beautiful looking day, not too many runners or cyclists on the bikeways either.

This week also meant catching up with some friends I had not seen in months. Pete and I had been regulary riding on Wednesday Nights but had both slacked off lately. We invited Marnie along from the coast since she was on holidays. She rocked up with a brand new Mongoose duel suspension with heaps of carbon goodies!! Not a 29er but the next best thing ;)

Pete and I often comment about the serenity of riding at night. The nights are almost cold in some parts of the forest, even though the days can be up to 35 degrees. I love stopping and turning off all the lights and just listening to the silence of the forest... not for riding alone though! I don't have big enough goolies for that.

After riding 27km before meeting Pete and Marnie, then riding another 20km with them, I was stuffed! My bike unfortunately, was stuffed also. I seem to have warped the brake rotors somehow and the bike is almost unridable. I set myself 2 road rides for the remainder of the week... on the Thursday however, I copped a double flat near UQ and had to call Lauren for a ride home. Lucky I have a HARD girlfriend, who instead of driving to get me, hopped on HER bike and delivered a spare tube and pump! Woohoo, nothing worse then getting picked up in the sag wagon!

So for the training nerds - This has been the official week 1 of "base" training. Keeping pretty much all my rides in the Aerobic Endurance zone. Details thus far:

Time: 16 hours 20 minutes (excluding warm up/downs)
Distance: 281km (both road and mountain bike, excludes wind trainer)
Calories burnt: 14500 ish
Avg. HR: 139bpm

I have to say, even riding at AE zone is really difficult. I spend 90% of the ride looking or listening to my garmin. It is really difficult to keep in the zone unless im riding on the trainer or on a very consistant hill/flat section. On the mountain bike, it's a matter of keeping it BELOW the max level.

When I look at my zones data, on a 2hr mountain bike ride I stay in the zone for only 45mins... on a road ride I can maintain it for about 1hr-1.5hrs. On the trainer it's almost the entire ride. Unfortunately that's why most of the elite riders do most of their training on the roadie or the trainer. I am deliberately riding all these to keep the training interesting!

Enjoy :)

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